Dragon's Call Idol
Dragon's Call Idol |
Posted on 2010-07-15 06:33:11 by adamskydancer |
Have you always wanted to unleash the Michael Jackson or Elvis Presley in you or have you always only ended up in annoying your neighbors. Doesn't Matter, here comes a golden opportunity to showcase your singing talent .Whether a great singer or not , its a wonderful chance to show your voice and singing talent to your friends and the wonderful community of Dragon Call.Do you have it in you what it takes to be the best singer. Come on everyone, its time to sing it out loud and win exciting prizes
Contest Rules:
The whole contest has been divided into 4 rounds which have been as follows:
ROUND 1: This stage will be open for 10 days.(EST 2:00 AM 6th July,2010-16th July,2010) All the players are allowed to showcase their singing talent during this period and out of all the entries, 15 best singers will be selected who will proceed to the next round.
Note: A confirmation or response will be required by those 15 players selected after round1 in order to confirm their presence for the next round in a day or two. In case we don't get those 15 confirmations, we will select few other suitable candidates to get the 'TOP 15' finally.
ROUND 2: The 15 singers selected in the above round will once again have to post their songs(new ones) in a duration of 1 week. Out of these 15, only 4 will proceed to the third round. In order to compensate for those people who missed out in the first round, we will once again provide a chance to all players except 'THE TOP 15' to post their songs once again and 2 really deserving candidates will be selected along with the other 4 to finally constitute the 'TOP 6'. Duration:
Note: Again confirmation will be required from all "THE TOP 6' players within 1 or 2 days else few other deserving candidates will be chosen.
ROUND 3:This is a special round and goes by the name 'Gala Round'. In this round, 2 deserving contestants from 'THE TOP 15' excluding 'THE TOP 6' will be selected via public voting along with judges judgement thus obtaining a total of 8 final candidates i.e. 'THE FINAL 8' who will fight for the title in the FINAL ROUND. Duration: 3 Days
FINAL ROUND: 'THE FINAL 8' will be required to sing one final song that will actually determine who will be the best suited candidate to wear the crown of DRAGON'S CALL IDOL.
How to Enter:
*As it is a special event, staff is allowed to enter and showcase their talent too
*All you need to do is record one of your favorite songs or even a self composed song and upload it in one of the various free uploading sites (www.youtube.com) available and reply to this thread with the link. The format to be observed is as given under:
Song Name:
Artist Name:
Comments (Optional):
Details,rules and Important points to be strictly considered:
1. For ROUND 1, Please include your IGN and server name at the begining of the song. Without this , your entry will be unquestionably disqualified. IGN is must.
2. Song sung in English is preferable and should at least be of 75 sec.
3. You are allowed to either sing solo or with an instrument of your choice, no help from others or group singing will be entertained.
4. You can sing along with the karaoke but your voice should be louder and shall be the only criteria for judgement.
5. No editing/tweaking is allowed in the recording. Any indication to these will lead to disqualification.
6. At last, please be honest and respect music. So No RIPPING /CHEATING/ PLAGIARISM.
Winner Selection:
DC Official will be the judges to select winners.
Note: The decisions of the judges will be final and binding and in no manner shall be questioned.
DRAGON'S CALL IDOL: 150Dragon Gold+200Dragon Stone+14-day VIP
FIRST Runner up: 100Dragon Gold+150Dragon Stone+7-day VIP
SECOND Runner up: 80Dragon Gold+100Dragon Stone+5-day VIP
4-8th place: 100Dragon Stone+3-day VIP
The rest winners in ROUND ONE: 1 Gem(According to your level)+Magic Debris *100
The technical help related to the uploading sites as well as recording songs can be found here:
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